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Execute run

Any execute ... run command can be followed by a Block to create a new function that gets called by execute command.

execute ... run {

Conditional Execution

execute if score @s appleCount matches 1 run {
    say I have 1 apple!

Execute If / Else

Any execute run block can be turned into an execute if / else block by appending an else execute ... run or else run block to it

execute ... run {
} else execute ... run {
} else run {

Multi-Conditional Execution

execute if score @s appleCount matches ..0 run {
    say I have no apples!
} else execute if score @s appleCount matches 1 run {
    say I have 1 apple!
} else run {
    say I have more than 1 apple!

Execute If / Unless Function

You can embed a Block in the if/unless function execute sub-command.

execute <if|unless> function {
} run <...>

If Function

An OR condition using if function

function a {
    execute if function {
        execute if score @s test matches 1 run return 1
        execute if score @s test matches 5 run return 1
        execute if score @s test matches 10 run return 1
        return 0
    } run say "Hello World!"
execute if function example:zzz/b run say "Hello World!"
execute if score @s test matches 1 run return 1
execute if score @s test matches 5 run return 1
execute if score @s test matches 10 run return 1
return 0